Concerts - Dates
15th of March 2025
Festsaal Gemeinde Ruprechtshofen/Lower Austria/AUSTRIA
Concert - invitation of Rainer Ebenstreicher
Schubert Grand Duo
Beethoven Spring Sonata
piano: Gerold Hartmann
details will follow
19th of March 2025
Vienna Konzerthaus - Mozart Hall/AUSTRIA
Johannes Jess-Kropfitsch
Blues op. 37 (2023) (UA)
Et resurrexit. Concertino op. 23 für Klavier, vier Violinen und Violoncello (2017)
e.g. with Elisabeth, Stefan and Johannes Kropfitsch
begin: 12.30 pm
24th of May - 8th of June 2025
Sendai International Music Competition/Sendai/JAPAN
Invitation to the Intern. Violin Competition
15th of June 2025
Concert Hall, Miyama Kayabuki no Sato/JAPAN
Kayabuki Concert Series
Piano: Kazuko Seiler
Two concerts on 11 am and 3 pm
Mozart Sonata KV 301 in G Major
モーツァルト ヴァイオリンソナタ
Schubert Grand Duo
シューベルト グランドデュオ
Korngold E. – Scene in the Garden
コーンゴールド 間奏曲 庭園の場
H.W. Ernst “Erlkönig”
エルンスト 魔王
Kreisler Liebesleid
クライスラー 愛の悲しみ
Kreisler Caprice Viennoise
クライスラー ウィーン風のカプリース
29th of June - 5th of July 2025
MASTERCLASS (lecturer) at Summer Academy Lilienfeld/Lower AUSTRIA
The masterclass is for advanced violinists
reservation under "contact" through this website is already possible
more details will follow later!
25th of July - 3rd of August 2025
Tour in China - Shanghai, Changsha, Nanchang, Dalian, Wuhan/CHINA
Wuhan Qintai Concert Hall
Changsha Concert Hall
Shanghai Concert Hall
Nanchang Grand Theatre
Dalian Grand Theatre
Kreisler F. – Caprice Viennois op. 2
Wagner R. – “Romanze” from Albumblatt
Beethoven – violin sonata no 9, op. 47, A major “Kreutzer sonata”
Schubert Fantasy for violin and piano in C major; D 934
Ehrenfellner “Rumpelstiltskin” Danza del Diavolo; op. 53b
Wieniawski – Fantaisie brillante about „Faust“ op. 20 „Faust Fantasy”
Details will follow later
12th of November 2025
Haus der Ingenieure - Palais Eschenbach Vienna - Concert Hall /AUSTRIA
An evening with sonatas and more
piano: Mennan Bërveniku
begin: 7 pm
details will follow later!
6th of December 2025
Berghotel Tulbingerkogel Lower Austria/AUSTRIA
Charity Concert for "Licht ins Dunkel"
Artist Gala Concert
details will follow later
The "archive" you will only find on the computer version of the homepage!
16th of February 2025
Matinée, closed event, not open for the public, Vienna/AUSTRIA
F. Schubert – Fantasy in C Major for violin and piano
H.W. Ernst – Erlkönig – Grand Caprice for violin solo
Wagner R. - Albumblatt - Romanze
M. Ravel – Tzigane
piano: Mayuko Obuchi
18th, 19th and 20th of January 2025
Stift Stams Tyrol/AUSTRIA
Auferstehungskirche Innsbruck
CD production, pieces for violin solo
19th of November 2024
Palais Ehrbar - Concert Hall Ehrbar, 1040 Vienna/AUSTRIA
Schubertiaden Wieden
Schubert Fantasy for violin and piano in C-Major (D934)
Schubert Piano Trio no. 1 in B-Major op. 99 (898)
violin - Julian Walder
cello - Maddalena Del Gobbo
piano - Alejandro Picó-Leonís
for details and full program:
begin: 7 pm
18th of November 2024
Joseph Haydn-Saal, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1; 1030 Vienna/AUSTRIA
FINALS - mdw Great Talent Award
Schumann Sonata a minor, 1st mvt
Ehrenfellner - Rumpelstiltskin, Danza del Diavolo
Ravel - Tzigane
on the piano: Mayuko Obuchi
Begin: 7 pm
14th of November 2024
Hofburgkapelle - 1st district - Vienna/AUSTRIA
Imperial Court Chapel Vienna; Schweizerhof, 1010 Vienna
J.S. BACH Sonata no. 3; BWV 1005, C major (violin solo)
J.S. BACH Toccata, Adagio and Fuge, BWV 564 (organ solo)
A. PÄRT – Fratres for violin and organ
A. PÄRT – Pari intervallo (organ solo)
J.G. RHEINBERGER – Six pieces op. 150, no. 6 „Ouvertüre“ (violin and organ)
organ: Robert Kovács
begin: 7 pm, entrance 6 pm
TICKET: konzertmanagement@kabsi.at; +43 676 6737254 and
CULTURALL - www.culturall.com
5th and 6th of November 2024
CD - production in Stift Stams/Tyrol/AUSTRIA
violin and organ
Organist: Elias Praxmarer
25th - 27th of September 2024
CD - production in Stift Stams/Tyrol/AUSTRIA
violin solo
15th of August 2024
Matinee Mürzzuschlag/Styria/AUSTRIA
Concert with four violins
BACH Chaconne
Elisabeth Kropfitsch, Paul Kropfitsch, David Kropfitsch, Julian Walder
closed event
11th of July 2024
Concert with four violins/ Cercivento (Arta Terme) ITALY
Telemann and Lachner
Elisabeth Kropfitsch, Paul Kropfitsch, David Kropfitsch, Julian Walder
begin: 7 pm
28th of June 2024
closed event - not open for the public
invitation by Dr. Gerold Hartmann - piano
an evening with violin sonatas
"Kreutzer" violin sonata no. 9 - Beethoven
Brahms violin sonata no. 1; op. 78
11th of June 2024
Haus der Musik - concert hall, Seilerstätte 30, 1010 Vienna/AUSTRIA
"Violinisten komponieren 1730 bis 1950"
guest performance with H.W. ERNST - "Erlkönig" Grand Caprice
begin: 7.00 pm
12th of May 2024
MASTERCLASS - Quatro Music Academy, Citraraya in Surabaya/INDONESIA
10.00 am - 1.00 pm
2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
8th - 10th of April 2024
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna/AUSTRIA
Stephanie Hohl competition, violin - mdw
25th of April 2024
Palais Ehrbar - Concert Hall Ehrbar, 1040 Vienna/AUSTRIA
Schubertiaden Wieden
"Aus dem späten Werk Franz Schuberts"
(complete concert details see the Link "info & ticket")
Schubert Piano Trio no. 2 in ES-Major op. 100 (D929)
violin - Julian Walder
cello - Maddalena Del Gobbo
piano - Alejandro Picó-Leonís
begin: 7 pm
19th - 26th of February 2024
2nd Stuttgart International Violin Competition - Guadagnini Competition /Stuttgart/GERMANY
27th of January 2024
Closed event/VIENNA
on the piano Mennan Bërveniku
22nd of November 2023
New Concert Hall, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna - mdw, Wien/AUSTRIA
HIBIKI - Die Resonanz Japans
Toru Takemitsu: Distance de Fée
on the piano: Mayuko Obuchi
begin: 6.30 pm
9th of September 2023
Český Brod
Saint John Baptist Church
E. Ysaye - sonata for solo violin no. 4
ERNST - Erlkönig - Grand Caprice
24th of August 2023
Piano salon, old post office, Bad Ischl, Upper AUSTRIA
Schumann sonata no. 1; a minor; op. 105
Ravel - Tzigane
piano: Mennan Bërveniku
begin: 7.30pm
11th of August - 17th of August 2023
Arkadij Fomin Scholarship Fund
musical Inputs (masterclass) with Vadim Gluzman
30th of July 2023
Wieselburg - AUSTRIA
closed event - not open for the public
Invitation by: Dr. Gerold Hartmann - piano
Grieg sonata no. 3; c minor
Mozart sonata KV 304; e minor
Paganini 2,11
Ysaye sonata nr. 4
2nd of July - 9th of July 2023
Teaching (masterclass) at Summer Academy Lilienfeld/AUSTRIA
The masterclass is for advanced violinists.
For reservation or questions please use the contact form of my homepage
or the social media channels!
Already fully booked for the masterclass in 2023!
(updated March 2023)
23rd of April - 6th of May 2023
Lichtenberg/Hof - GERMANY
Marteau Competition
Finals - Tchaikovsky violin concerto
Hofer Symphonic Orchestra
Conductor: Christoph-Mathias Mueller
16th of November 2022
St.-Michaels-Church - Brixen/ ITALY
Bach - Sonata 1; BWV 1001, g-minor (violin solo)
Bach - Partita 2; BWV 1004, d-minor (violin solo)
Bach - Concerto for organ in d-minor; BWV 596 (organ solo)
Vitali - Chaconne (violin with organ)
Piazzolla - Ave Maria (violin with organ)
Organ: Michèle Schladebach
TICKETS: contact homepage
Start 7.30 p.m.
12th of November 2022
Christuskirche - Innsbruck/Tyrol/AUSTRIA
Bach - Sonata 1; BWV 1001, g-minor
Bach - Partita 2; BWV 1004, d-minor
Reger Max - out of 12 pieces op. 65; nr. 10 - Scherzo (organ)
Praxmarer Elias - Prélude (organ)
Vitali - Chaconne (violin with organ)
Piazzolla - Ave Maria (violin with organ)
Organ: Elias Praxmarer
TICKETS: contact homepage or RESERVIX
start 7 p.m.
8th of November 2022
Hofburgkapelle - 1st district/Vienna/AUSTRIA
Bach - Sonata 1; BWV 1001, g-minor
Bach - Partita 2; BWV 1004, d-minor
Johann ERNST Prinz v. Sachsen-Weimar/J.S. Bach - Concerto in G, BWV 592
Vitali - Chaconne (violin with organ)
Piazzolla - Ave Maria (violin with organ)
Organ: Robert Kovács
TICKETS: contact homepage or CULTURALL
Start 7 p.m.
8th - 10th of October 2022
Finals at Osaka Music Competition
1st of October 2022
CZIFFRA Festival der Klänge -Nepomuk-Kapelle Vienna/AUSTRIA
on the piano: Evgeny Sinaiski
Mozart - Conzert nr. 5; KV 219
Ernst - Erlkönig
Schumann - Sonata a-minor
Wieniawski - Faust Fantasie
Further details will follow later
30th of September 2022
benefit concert - Brunn/Gebirge/parish church/AUSTRIA
Guest performance
Sibelius Violin Concerto (3rd movement) with Orchestra, conductor Michael Poklop
begin: 7.30 pm
17th - 25th of September 2022
Fritz Kreisler Competition in Vienna/AUSTRIA
10th of September 2022
Festival - SommerNachtsKonzerte im Gliedererhof - Brunn am Gebirge/AUSTRIA
SummerNightConcerts in Gliedererhof
It will be a joint event with singer and baritone Georg Lehner
Program for violin:
Brahms Sonata nr. 108, d-minor
Bach - Chaconne from Partita nr. 2
Wieniawski - Faust Fantasie
Kreisler - Tambourin Chinois
Ernst - Erlkönig
Kachinsky G. - walc melancholijny
begin: 6.30 p.m. (entry 5.30 p.m.)
4th of September 2022
Bach - Chaconne
Schumann Sonata a minor
Brahms Sonata nr. 3; d minor; op. 108
not open to the public - closed event
August 2022
musical inputs and being part of concerts:
- Henja Semmler (Castle Laudon /Austria)
- Vadim Gluzman (Nagold/Germany)
- Ulf Wallin (ISA/Austria)
24th of June 2022
Stift Klosterneuburg - Augustinus Saal; Klosterneuburg/AUSTRIA
"Summer Classics" - with power into the summer
on the piano: Evgeny Sinaiski
an evening with classic specialities
not open for the public - closed event
organisation: ÖWD
16th of June 2022
Neptun Castle - Leba/POLAND
violin solo program:
- Bach Partita 2
- Bach Sonata 1
- Ernst - Erlkönig Grand Caprice
not open for the public - closed event
4th of May 2022
Palais Ehrbar; Ehrbar concert hall - Vienna/AUSTRIA
CD presentation "Faust" with Evgeny Sinaiski (piano)
moderated by Elisabeth Eschwé
- Schumann Sonata Nr. 1; a minor; op. 105
- Brahms Sonata Nr. 3; d minor; op. 108
- Meditation (Tchaikovsky)
- Faust Fantasie (Wieniawski)
start: 7.30 pm
2nd of November 2021 - 20th of April 2022
The Guards Music - violin - Austrian Armed Forces, Vienna
18th of February 2022
National Defence Academy, Vienna
Kommandant and responsible for the music for a closed event at the traditional day.
17th of February 2022
Tchaikovsky Violin-Concerto (1st mvt) CANCELLED due to Covid
Soloist with the Austrian Armed Forces - Guards Music
Conductor: Colonel (Oberst) Bernhard Heher
Concert not open for the public - closed event!
23rd of January 2022
Volkshaus Frohnleiten Styria/AUSTRIA
Sergej Prokofjev - Sonata nr. 1 in f-minor, op. 80 for violin and piano
Franz Liszt - Après une lecture du Dante
Sergej Prokofjev - Sonata in d-Major, op. 115 for violin solo
Béla Bartók - Rumanian Folk Dances
on the piano: Florian Pichlbauer
Begin: 6 pm
24th of October 2021
Palais Coburg - Vienna/Austria 1st district
Concert series "jugend & stil"
High Kasematte
on the piano Chizu Miyamoto
beginning: 11 am to 12 am
Vitali - Chaconne (Charlier version)
Mozart - "Alleluia" and "Durch Zärtlichkeit und Schmeicheln"
guest: Sanna-Milada Adam (soprano)
Schubert - Grand Duo, violin sonata A-major, D574
Wieniawski - Faust Fantasy
10th - 15th of September 2021
Competition in BERLIN of the German Universities nominated by the Carl Maria von Weber Musikhochschule Dresden
7th of August 2021
Concert in Wieselburg/Austria
not open for the public - closed society
program: Bach Violin Sonata nr. 1; Franck Violin Sonata; Schubert Grand Duo
on the piano: Dr. Gerold Hartmann
26th of October 2020
University for Music Carl Maria von Weber Dresden/Germany
Preselection Concert at "Kleiner Saal"
Starting at 9 am - for details on request please
Programme: Bach Chaconne;
Mendelsssohn violin concert 1st mvt and Franck violin sonata (1st and 2nd mvt)
23rd of October 2020 POSTPONED due to Covid19
Brunn/Gebirge - BRUNO - Festsaal
Julian Walder will be honoured by his home town for his activities as an artist
Begin 7pm
17th of January 2020
Philharmonia Chelyabinsk - Chelyabinsk South Ural/Russia
Soloist with the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra Chelyabinsk
The Prokofiev Concert Hall
Conductor Adik Abdurakhmanov
Invitation by A.R.A.C.A - Austrian Russian Asian Culture Association
BRAHMS Violin Concerto
beginning 6.30pm
18th of January 2020
Soloist with the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra Chelyabinsk
Concert hall
Conductor Adik Abdurakhmanov
Invitation by A.R.A.C.A - Austrian Russian Asian Culture Association
beginning 2 pm
BRAHMS Violin Concerto
19th of January 2020
Palace of Culture "Magnezit" Satka/Russia
Soloist with the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra Chelyabinsk
Conductor Adik Abdurakhmanov
Invitation by A.R.A.C.A - Austrian Russian Asian Culture Association
beginning: 6 pm
BRAHMS Violin Concerto
22nd of September 2019
Schlosskonzerte Kittsee - Haberlandt Saal, Burgenland
concerts in the castle Kittsee
Waxman - Carmen fantasy
on the piano Chizu Miyamoto
"Talente stellen sich vor" - Start 11.00am
27th of May 2019
Justizpalast, Festsaal, Schmerlingplatz 11; 1010 Wien
Carmen fantasy - Waxman
Dvorak/Kreisler - Slavonic Dance 2
on the piano: Evgueni Sinaiski
Begin: 7.30 pm
3rd of May 2019
BRUNO Festsaal , Raum 105 - Brunn am Gebirge
"Querfeldein im Frühling"
A lively classic mix
on the piano - Chizu Miyamoto
Pieces of Fritz Kreisler (Caprice viennois, Tambourin chinois, Liebesleid, Liebesfreud);
Dvorak/Kreisler - Slavonic Dance nr. 2;
Vitali - Chaconne; Waxman - Carmen fantasie; Brahms - Hungarian Dance nr. 2;
23rd of March
Private Concert at Eva Bernhard
(not open for public)
19th and 20th of March 2019
Concertmaster of Musikgymnasium Orchestra
Golden Hall at Musikverein Vienna
26th of January
Private Concert at Carol Beyers
Tchaikovsky; Dvorak/Kreisler and more
on the piano Evgueni Sinaiski
(not open for public)
11th of January 2019
Charity Concert for the Waldorfkindergarten Bad Vöslau
together with Dorothy Khadem-Missagh (piano)
Haus der Kunst, Kaiser Franz Ring 7; Baden bei Wien
7.30 pm
tickets-please call number mentioned at "Ticket-Info" or directly at the concert
Franck Sonata und Mozart Sonata in e-minar
17th of December 2018
MUSIKVEREIN - Metallener Saal, Vienna
Jeunesse "Start up!" Concert
Recital with Evgueni Sinaiski
Details and Ticket Infos will follow
15th of December 2018
John Harris - Vienna
concert for the company christmas party
(not open for public)
7th of December 2018
music and reading in the advent season - Trude Strass
private concert in Vienna
(not open for public)
28th of October 2018
NYIAA - New York International Artists Association - NEW YORK
Weill Recital Hall - Carnegie Hall
7.30 pm
Schumann, Ysaye, Mendelssohn
21st of June 2018
University of Arts in Graz (KUG) - Camerata Musica Szombathely with winds of KUG
Soloist with Tzigane by Ravel
Conductor Bernhard Steiner
at 6.30 pm
Großer Minoritensaal
(Mariahilferplatz Nr. 3/Graz)
24th of November 2017
Ambassadors in Concert
Tzigane - Ravel
6th of November 2017
WIENER KONZERTHAUS, Schubertsaal, Wien/Austria
Musica Juventutis - Ysaye Solo-Sonate für Violine "Ballade"; Tchaikovsky "Souvenir d´un lieu cher"