"...the first part of the concert was devoted solely to BACH and his works for solo violin, played by Julian Walder with a maturity that could hardly have come from a young man only 22 years old! The phrasings were well thought out and he found his style of BACH in an astonishing way, which fascinated the audience..."
BRIXNER 394 from November 2022 -
Brixen/Bressanone - Italy
"...the brilliant performance of the musician conveyed the entire emotional complexity of the work and Julian Walder´s solo, played with lightness and yet profoundly performed, excited the audience so much that the artists were only released from the stage after minutes of euphoric applause..." from the 26th of January 2020
BRAHMS violin concerto with the Chelyabinsk Symphony Orchestra, soloist Julian WALDER
Report from Satka/Russia; Анна голенко
Interview in November 2019 with the "Verein der Freunde des mgw Wiens"
Prof. Inge Török

" esthete of the sound in the best sense..."
ORF Ö1 concert from the 27th of December 2018
Live from the Vienna Konzerthaus
"Best of Musica Juventutis"
"...the uncontested star of the evening Julian Walder was appearing on stage. Only 17 years old he wowed the audience with his immaculate playing and interpretation of the violin concerto from Tchaikovsky which is known as quite difficult. Long lasting applause and endless "bravo" calls were the well-deserved reward of this superb performance!" 01/2018
" a soloist Julian Walder was brilliant in his masterly performed interpretation of the demanding violin concerto of Tchaikovsky. The audience did not release the rising star from the stage before giving an encore which was enthusiastically applauded."
NÖN 01/2018
Gaby Schätzle-Edelbauer
"...the great skill to develop long phrases - here mastered this art from the 17 years old violinst Julian Walder from Austria..."
Intrada ORF OE1 (J.L.Mayer)
10th of Nov. 2017
Live Recordings from the Wiener Konzerthaus
"...Konzerte verzaubern selten allein durch technische Perfektion, sondern vor allem durch spürbare Freude an der Musik - und der junge Violinist beherrscht beides: Beeindruckend ist die Virtuosität, mit der er derart anspruchsvolle Stücke spielt, ansteckend seine Freude an der Musik..."
Badener Zeitung 03/2015
"...der furiose Auftakt des Konzertes war Julian Walder zu verdanken. Der junge Geiger begeisterte mit einer ungewöhnlich reifen und feinfühligen Interpretation der Meditation op. 42 von Peter Tschaikowsky, wobei er ganz besonders die zarten, melodiösen Passagen nuanciert ausarbeitete..."
Donaukurier/Deutschland 08/2014
Begeisterung um jungen Geiger
"...die Zuhörer lernten beim bekannten Violinkonzert von Mendelssohn in e-Moll einen auf aufstrebenden Geiger kennen, der für sein Alter eine erstaunlich reife Interpretation ablieferte. Der Jubel des Publikums kannte kaum Grenzen. Er setzte sich bei den virtuos gespielten Zigeunerweisen des "Teufelsgeigers" Sarasate fort..."
NÖN 03/2014